of the Diety: |
Jeen Mata is Devi herself, the very embodiment of divine cosmic
power. The deity is Mahishasura Mardini Durga having eight arms.
The miraculous deity fulfills the wishes of her devotee
worshippers. Whosoever acts unholily in the temple precinets is
highly punished with a divine retribution. Mahishasura was demon
in the form of a buffalo. He waged a fierce battle with Shri Durga.
He with his forces affronted the goddess with all his demoniac
powers. The battle with Durga has been beautifully described in
the third chapter of Shri Durga Saptashati. Finally Durga pressed
Mahisha with her foot and struck his neck with her lance. The lion
too suppressed Mahisha (then in the buffalo form). This lion
riding eight-armed form of Durga is Mahisha Mardini. Here Jeen
Mata is worshipped in her eight-armed form.
sect to which the temple belongs:
Shakta cult which worships the Shaktis or various forms of Shakti
(I.e. Shri Durga)
of the Temple: |
Architectural Characteristics: |
temple has been constructed in the style of architecture adopted
by Pratihar and Chauhan clans of Rajputs. There are twenty four
pillars with pavels of figures finely carved on them. The main
temple is a very high sky touching Shikhar (Pinnacle) in the
midest of Hills. A unique temple it is from every point of view.
Architectural Characteristics: |
Sanctum Sanctorum is built of the highest quality marble. The
shutter are made of silver. Beautifully carved pillars and the
Bramari Devi temple in the rear part are worth seeing. For
priests, five residences are available. An open chowk and outer
verandahs are part of the whole temple complex.Carved pillars and
the bhramari Devi temple in the rear part are worth seeing. For
prices , five residences are available. An open chowk an outer
verandahs are part of the whole temple complax.An inscription on
stone shows antiguity of the temle.
of Construction: |
Lime stone,
marble etc.
Construction Time: |
Unknown |
aspects of temple: |
is believed that the Pandava during their exile from Hastinapur
came to the thick forests of this place where they spent their
period here incognito. The daughter named Jeen of the King Ghangh
also practise asceticism here. The place has acquired a great
religious importance and is held sacred by all. Nestled amongst
the high arawali hills, the idyllic surroundings lend this sacred
a natural grace of serenity and lushgreen vegetation with fauna
and flora.
features of the temple: |
Grand conception, elaborate sculpture, religions and
mythological Antiquity of the place Historicity centre of
faith shakti upasana kendra.
& Fairs in Temple (Main Events): |
In the Navaratras
(Nine sacred days) of Chaitra and also of Ashwin, people come in
large numbers to visit this temple and have a glimpse of the
deity. Some people perform Navaratra worship here. Shard Poornima
and Phalgun Harsh Bhairva fair also hold a great attraction.
Timings: |
Time: |
4.00 am |
10.00 pm |
& Traditions of Temple: |
On the eighth day
of the bright half every month, devotee visit the temple. Infants
are brought for symbolic hair shearing and married couples come to
pay their homage. Aarati is performed at 4.00 am, 8.00 am and 7.00
of Temple: |
Sanctrum:(Sanctorum) |
1 |
Verandah: |
1 |
Others: |
open chowk. |
(If any particular) in text: |