Temple Profile: Mandir Shri Abourda Devi Ji
Location: Mount Abu God Worshipped:
District: Sirohi Road Distance from Jaipur: 550 kms
Built in the year: 3209 A.D. Nearest Airport: Dabok (200)
By The temple is very ancient. This is a natural cave which has been converted in to a shrine for the Goddess arbuda and it is said concealed tempe. Nearest Rly. Station: Abu Road (Abu Road)

Cause of Establishment: 
Mount Abu has been a very holy place and it is amply described in the Purans. In Skandapuran, there is a mention of this shrine. The ancient name of Mount Abu is Arbuda and this is believed that this mountain was brought from Himalayas to fill-up a deep pit in which the cow of Vashishtha Rishi fell. The cow came up ascending the mountain.

Brief of the Diety:

Goddess Arbuda known as a form of Katyani, one of the nine Durgas is enshrined here. Skandpuran mentions that Goddess Durga incarnated as Katyani to kill the demon this puran shumbha. Katyani has been described in the 25th shlok of sages gave the blessing to katyani that she would preside over the Arbudnachal or Mount Abu and her shrine would be established. Since then the shrine has been here and Goddess Arbuda is worshiped

Religious sect to which the temple belongs:

This temple is visited by all Hindus. It specially belongs to the Shakta Cult.

Architecture of the Temple:
Important Architectural Characteristics:

There is no human architecture. The shrine is inside a natural cave in a big boulder. In this way, this is a monolith structure in which the cave is natural and inside the cave is a shrine of Goddess Arbuda. Now around this site, Verandahs and other buildings have been built and for the facilities of the visitors a flight of steps has also been built to make the shrine accessible.

Material of Construction:

Natural Cave, Monoliths

Total Construction Time: No one can guess how much time was taken .
Religious aspects of temple:

The worship of Durga is universal amongst Hindus, Jains and Shikhs. For their religious needs and worship and in accordance with the mention of this place in Skandhpuram, the shrine was perhaps made long long ago. This Shrine is Visited by Millions of people every years.

Unique features of the temple:

Occultists, Tantrics, Mantrics, worshipers and visitors, all visit the shrine, It is a prevalent belief that this is a siddha Peetha and, therefore, the Sadhakas (Practicants), Tantriks and Mantrik perform their rituals herte so as to achieve super-natural power and siddhis.

Festivals & Fairs in Temple (Main Events):

In the Navratrs of Chaitra and Ashwin, the entire place is converted in to a sea of human beings. Music Dances, Singers of Hymns, Attains of Jay Jay, Distribution of Prasad and Colorful Presence can be seen at this time.

Morning Time: from 7.15 am

Evening Time:

till 7.30 pm
Custom & Traditions of Temple:

The Pooja is performed according to laid down principles of Pooja. Aarati is performed in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Bhoga is offered to the deity in the morning and in the Evening.

Details of Temple:
Sanctrum:(Sanctorum) 1
Verandah: 50x30 ft.
Rasoi: 30x30 ft.
Vandana (If any particular) in text:

Hymns from Shri Durga Shaptashati are sung at the time of Aarati here.

Issues requiring global attention for conservation, protection and improvement of the temple:

Since this sacred place is natural, it should be widely advertised in the world that it’s place is as great as the sacred natural places in Greece, Rome, Egypat, India, China, Thiland, etc. This will attract the tourists to see this wonderful natural center of faiths. This is also said that the temple is one of the 51 Shakti Peethas of Shri Durga. There is an Adharshila, a big boulder that is delicately balanced and over the centuries which has been served. It’s said that this Adhar is the lip(called Adhar in Sanskrit) of Sati who immolated herself in the yajna of daksha Prajapati. Lord Shankar held-up in his hand the dead body of Sati, his wife and began to dance infury and frenzy.The destruction of world appeared to be imminent. Lord Vishnu, therefore, cut the dead body into small pieces with his Sudarshan Chakra. The lip of Sati fell here and turned into the Adharshila. That way, the place has a mythological richness. Other mythological events are also related to Arbuda Devi.

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