Temple Profile: Mandir Shri Bej Nath Ji Mahadev
Location: Sisa Rama God Worshipped: Mahadev Shiv, Parwati and Ganpati
District: Udaipur Road Distance from Jaipur: 435 Kms
Built in the year: 1774 A.D. Nearest Airport: Dabok (27 kms)
By Maharana Sangram Singh Nearest Rly. Station: Udaipur (15 km)

Cause of Establishment:The Maharana had no issue. He player to Lord Mahadeva to bless him with a son. He was already 60 years old. Miraculously he  got a son by the blessings of the deity. As a result he built the temple for the deity here. People here largely believe that the Shiva Lingam was installed here by Lord Shri Ram Chandra Ji.

Brief of the Diety:

A long with the Shiva Lingam, the other idols in the shrine are of Mahadeva Parvati, Shri Ganesh , Shri Kartikeya and Nandi.

Religious sect to which the temple belongs:

Shaiva sect and all Hindus

Architecture of the Temple:
Important Architectural Characteristics:

The Shivalingam is made of black sand stone having one miter of circumference and height of one foot six inches. The whole sabha mandap is made of white marble; it has the statue of Nandi (Bull), 18 High. In the other chowk also one more Nandi statues of black stone is present adjacent to this temple; there are many more ruined shrines. To the right of the main gate, closely there is a step well.

Material of Construction:

White Marbal, Lime, Stone

Religious aspects of temple:

The Huge temple is a real thing of beauty. For the village people and also for the people near by, this shiva temple is like a pilgrimage. Here beauty and piousness have combined together and these defy all speculative utterances that beauty can’t live by it self-. The place is an abode where people repose their faith. Very anacient, of course is this temple and hoary traditions of yore are still followed here.

Unique features of the temple:

In the sanctum sanctorum, three is Shiva Lingam. Out of the inner temple some other shrines are also built a part from this, there are small devaras and damaged statues. Near these, there is a well by which are installed Shri Hanuman idols. On either side of the temple is a veranda and on the right side a step well the water of which is held to be sacred and used for rituals bath of the deity and food preparation (Bhog).

Festivals & Fairs in Temple (Main Events):

The Temple is served in accordance with the Shaiva traditions and ritualistic patterns. On special and prescribed occasions, functions and ceremonies are held; fairs organized and ritual are performed. They are Shiva Ratri, Vaishakhi, Poornima ( Full Moon ), and Monday of the month of Shravana.

Morning Time: from 5.00 am

Evening Time:

till 8.00 pm
Details of Temple:
Sanctrum:(Sanctorum) 1
Vandana (If any particular) in text:
As are prescribed for Shiva Temples.
Issues requiring global attention for conservation, protection and improvement of the temple:

Beautifications of the temple surrounding and timely repairs are required.

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