Devasthan Department, Rajasthan

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Rajasthan Fund Service Rules, 1959


The Service Rules Relating to the staff of self supporting (funded) court of wards temples under the control and superintendence of Devasthan Department, Rajasthan.

  1. General Scope :- These rules shall apply to the staff of all the self supporting (Funded) and Court of Wards Temples and other Religious and Charitable Institutions which are under the control and superintendence of Devasthan Department.
  2. These Rules embody in a convenient form, the conditions under which pay, allowances and leave are earned by the staff of the Self Supporting Temples and Court of Wards Temples and other Religious and Charitable Institutions except those who are in the State Government Service.
  3. The claim of the staff of pay and allowances, and pattal Prashad shall be regulated by the terms and conditions attached to respective posts and the nature of duties performed by them and also according to the financial condition of the Temple or Institution.
  4. The leave shall be earned and granted according to the rules embodied in Chapter VI.
  5. The Government reserve the right of changing the rules at their discretion and of interpreting on their meaning in case of dispute.

Classes of servants and their duties.

6. Mahant: The spiritual head of temple of the institution and as such he is responsible for the management of the estate in a proper manner and he shall see that the income is utilised only for the purpose of worship of the Thakurji or deity or upkeep of the temple or institution.

7. Adhikari or Manager or Kamdar: -Is a paid servant of the temple fund or institution. He shall be responsible for thegeneral management of the Temple or institutions, keeping proper accounts and the safe custody of ornaments and valuables of the temples entrusted to his care. He will also be responsible for the proper control of the movable and immovable property of the temple or the institutions.

8. Clerk or Karinda or Nigran : He is merely a clerk who will do the work assigned to him by the Manager, Adhikari or Kamdar. He shall be generally responsible for collection of rent keeping proper account of income and expenditure and of the movable and immovable property attached to the temple or institutions.

9. Pujari or Mukhiya- He performs or supervises the Puja of the Thakurji. He has no powers of any sort over any thing. He is responsible for the supply of the ornaments and other valuables entrusted to his care for the daily use of the Thaknrji (Deity) and he will be liable to make good the loss if there be any. He is either a paid servant of the temple or having hereditary rights by turns (Osrawala or Baridar) for performing Sewa Puja of the Thakurji (Diety).

10. Bhandari or Kothari – Is in charge of Bhog Rag articles, Parshad and other articles of stock.

11. Rasoiya, Balbhogiya or Bhitrya (Cook) – Prepares daily Bhog and Prashad for the Thakurji.

12. Jalgariya or Jalsewak – Who supplies water for the temple. He is a water carrier of the temple.

13. Japtiya or Chobdar – Who guides Darshaks and Yatries and Provides facilities to them for Darshan of the Thakurji Properly.

14. Buhariya or Tahlya- A person who cleans utensils and sweeps the temple or institutes daily.

15. Chowkidar or Poliya or Pahrayati- Is a person as its name implies who keeps watch over the temple or institutions and its property.

16. Kirtaniya or Musician – Sings religious songs and plays a Pakhawaj before the Thakurji (Deity) both in the morning and eveinig.

17. Definations: In these Rules -

  1. Government – means the Government of Rajasthan.
  2. Sampradaya – means the sect to which the temple or institution belongs.
  3. Osrawala – means the Pujaris who has got hereditary rights of the performance of Sewa Puja of the Thakurji (Deity) by turns. He is also known as Baridar.
  4. Mutation – means, transfer by succession; and
  5. Pattal prashed- means the meals and sweets prepared for the Bhog of the Thakurji (Diety) and distributed amongst the staff of the temple to supplement pay and allowance.
Conditions of Service

17. Mahant shall be appointed by the Government on the recommendation of either a committee or the Devasthan Department on such pay and allowances or pattal Prashad according to the financial status of the temple or institution and he will be required to possess the following qualifications :

  1. Thorough knowledge of the principles of the Sampradaya to whic the temple belongs and will educated.
  2. Good moral character.
  3. Managerial capacity.
  4. Honesty and sincerity.
  5. Free from politics,
  6. Not convicted by any court under any offence.
  7. All limbs are in tact and are not defective.
  8. He will abide by the Rules and Regulations in force.
  9. He should be physically and mentally fit.

He will be responsible for the safe custody of the temple Ornaments, Jewelries, Funds Property movable and immovable He will make suitable arrangement for the regular worship including Bhog Rag of the Thakurji (Deity) in accordance with the principles of the Sampradaya to which the temple or institution belongs. He will be required to keep regular accounts of all revenue receipts and expenditure according to the instructions issued and procedure laid down by the Government.

He will be liable to removal under the following circumstances-

  1. Owing to some physical or mental defect or otherwise if the Sewa Puja and other Management of the temple or institution cannot be carried on satisfactorily.
  2. If he has been convicted of cognisable offence or he has developed immoral or vicious habits.
  3. If he takes part in or abets any political movement against the Government
  4. If he places the temple property to wrongful uses.
  5. If he has absconded without information and permission.
  6. If he protests against the Harijan entry into the temple.

18. Adhikari or Manager or Kamdar : He will be appointed by the Devasthan Department on a salary upto Rs.200/- p.m. and above that by the Government. He will be responsible to the Devasthan Department or to the Committee if there is any for maintaining regular and complete account of income and expenditure of the temple or institution. Besides routine work he will be responsible for the due supervision of Sewa Puja the Kitchen and the general cleanliness of the temple or institution as also for the punctuality of the temple staff and recovery of rent etc. He will be required to submit annual budget of income and expenditure of the temple or institution to the Devasthan Department. He will be responsible for maintaining a record and complete plans of residential and cultivable properties of the temple or institution. He will responsible for such damages or loss to the temples property or its income as may have been occurred by his negligence or willful default.

*Clerk or Nigran : He will be appointed by the Devasthan Department on such pay and allowances according to the financial status or condition of the temple or institution on the recommendation of the Committee or the Assistant Commissioner Devasthan. He will be responsible for the maintenance of correct and accurate account of income and expenditure of the temple or institution according to the approved procedure and also for the timely recovery of rent etc.

19. Pujari or Mukhiya – He will be appointed by the Assistant Commissioner, Devasthan on the recommendation of either a committee or the Inspector Devasthan upto Rs. 25/- p.m. He shall be literate and should possess full knowledge of mantras and Sastras of daily worship of the Thakurji. He will be required to produce a certificate of the approved Sanstha regarding his knowledge of Mantras and Sastras of the Samprandaya concerned. He will be required to produce a certificate of good moral character from a Magistrate or any M.P. or M.L.A. or Sarpanch of the District to which he belongs or any Gazetted Officer. He will not be delegated any financial powers. He will be employed on salary or monthly emoluments (Pattal Parshad). He will be allowed to reside free in the temple where accommodation is available. He will be liable to removal on account of misconduct, dishonesty, negligence and disobedience. Conviction by a court of law on account of political and seditious activities against the Government or for any cognisable offence. He should not be less than 25 years of age on the date of appointment. He will not be eligible for any type of Bhets unless authorised by the Devasthan Department. Hereditary or Osrawala pujari will not be entitled to any pay and allowance unless authorised by the government and will be eligible for full or certain proportion of cash Bhet as authorised by the Government from time to time. He will have no proprietary rights over the temple property.

20. The rest of the staff noted in rules No. 11 to 17 will be appointed by the Assistant, Commissioner, Devasthan or by the committee if authorised, according to the suitability.

21. All the members of the staff will be required to produce medical certificate of a recognised doctor or vaidya for physical fitness at the time of first appointment.

22. The permanent staff of the temple or institution will not accept any whole time job without the permission of the Devasthan Department.

23. Securities – The Manager, Adhikari, Kamdar Clerk or Karinda and the Pujari or Mukhiya shall be required to furnish adequate securities in cash or property or personal as may be fixed by the Devasthan Department according to the value of the property, ornaments and other store articles in their possession and custody and the amount of cash handled by each of them.

24. Superannuation Age – (a) The Mahant, Adhikari and Clerk will normally be retired after attaining the superannuation age of 55 years and the rest after attaining the age of 60 years but may be allowed to continue in service upto the age of 60 and 65 years respectively at the discretion of the appointing authority provided yearly certified they are medically. Physically and mentally fit. In no case the staff shall be allowed to remain in service beyond the age of 65 years.
(b) The hereditary staff shall also obtain mutation in favour of rightful claimant after the age of 55 years or before their retirement.

(c) The Devasthan Department shall have the right to retire any member of the staff after completion of 30 years' service on account of the inefficiency mental or physical disability or negligence.

Pay and Allowance : The pay and allowance of the staff will be fixed according to the nature of duties and the capability and suitability of the individual which will be judged by the Devasthan Department.


25. Retiring Benefits : (a) The staff shall be subscrible to a provident Fund.

(b) Every permanent member of the staff after the date of the commencement of these rules shall be required to subscribe to the P.F. of the temple or institution under which he is employed at the rate of six and one quarter percent of his basic salary in accordance with the rules made there under. The temple or institution shall contribute to the P.F. of each subscriber an amount equal to the amount of his subscription.

(c) The retired Government servant who are re-employed will not be eligible to contribute to the Provident Fund.


26. It is a fundamental principle that the T.A. is a compensatory allowance and is so regulated that it is not on the whole a source of profit to the recipient but the officer travelling on temple service will not be out of pocket.

27. Traveling allowance consists of :

  1. Railway fare.
  2. Road mileage.
  3. Daily allowance.

28. For the purpose of travelling allowance the temple staff are divided into the following classes :
Third class – All members of the staff drawing a pay of Rs. 40/- p.m. also including pujari irrespective of pay with the exception of those specially classified other wise.
Fourth Class– All other members of the staff drawing a pay up to 39/- p.m. excluding pujari.

Pay for the purpose of calculation of T.A. and D.A. in respect of temple staff will be the basic pay excluding D.A.

29. No. member of the staff is entitled to any T.A. for journery on halts within five miles of his head quarters.

30. Travelling all allowance will be admissible according to the following scale -

Rail Mileage Daily Allowance

Class of Officers

Class of accommodation (Single fare)

Incidental Charges subject to limit of one day daily allowance.

Road mileage

For ordinary localities.

For expensive localities Delhi, Simla, Madras. Shrinagar, Mt. Abu, Bombay & Calcutta.

Ist Class

Ist Class

12 pies per mile

5 annas

Rs. 5/-


2nd Class

2nd Class

8 pies per mile

5 annas

Rs. 3/-


3rd Class if drawing pay of rs. 125/- p.,m. or above.

2nd Class

4 pies per mile subject to one daily allowance. for journey of 24 hours of fraction thereof.

4 annas

Three annas for every Rs. 12/50.N.P. or a fraction thereof.

Annas 4 for every Rs. 12/80 or a fraction thereof





" subject to a minimum of Rs. 1/4-

Rs. 2/-

4th Class;


Half fair of the IIIrd class

3 annas

Rs. 1/-

Rs. 1/8/-

*** Amended vide Govt. Order No. F.10(39) Rev/A/57 dt. 14.10.1960.

31. A member of the staff who while making a journey by road, takes a single seat in any public conveyance which plies regularly for hire between fixed points at fixed rates of charge shall be entitled to a mileage allowance at the rate of one anna per mile.

32. For the purpose of calculating mileage allowance, a journey between the places is held to have been performed by the shortest of the two or more practicable routes or by cheapest of such routes as may be equally short.

Note : The shortest route is that by which the traveler can most speedily reach his destination by the ordinary modes of travelling.

33. The Chairman and members of the Committee will be entitled to T.A. according to their status judged and decided by the Government.
Daily allowance : - (a) A daily allowance will not be drawn for more than 10 days of continuous halt at one place

  1. Daily allowance is admissible only for such days a member of the staff spends in camp on out and also for holiday if actually he stays in camp.
  2. Daily allowance for every day of arrival at or departure from a station other than the head quarters will be admissible provided that his stay at the sattion on that day is not less than 8 hours.
  3. Day means a calendar day beginning and ending at midnight but an absence from headquarters which does not exceed twenty-four hours shall be reckoned for all purposes as one day at whichever hours the absence begins or ends.


34. The following kinds of leave are recognised under these rules -

  1. Privilege Leave
  2. Casual Leave.

35. Earning of Leave – (a) The privilege leave shall be earned by the whole time ministerial staff (Manager, Adhikari, kamdar, Karinda or nigran ) at the rate of one eleventh part of the time during which the member of the staff has been on duty without interruption.

(b) The privilege leave shall not admissible to the member of herediatary staff who performs duty by turns (Osras) He shall make his own arrangements for the duty during his absence. The member of the hereditory staff shall be allowed such absence for a period up to two months by providing suitable substitute.

(c) The privilege leave shall be allowed to accumulate up to two months to the permanent ministerial staff.

(d) No privilege shall be earned by duty performed while two months of such leave is due.

36. Conditions :
(a) The leave can not be claimed as a matter of right and it shall be at the discretion of the authority to refuse or revoke, leave of absence of any description at any time according to the exigencies of service.
(b) The absence on leave shall be allowed to the staff other then ministerial on the condition that no extra expenditure is caused to the temple fund or institution by the arrangements of suitable substitute, who will be require to produce personal security. The substitute shall be entitled to get pattal prasad due to the absentee for the period he will work.
(c) The member of the staff on leave shall not make up any service or accept any employment without the previous permission of the authority competent to sanction the appointment.
(d) Application for leave shall be submitted to reach the authority competent to sanction the leave at least 2 weeks before the leave is to commence except in case of sickness or other emergency.
(f) The leave application shall be made and signed by the applicant himself unless he is physically incapacitating or seriously ill in the form given in the appendix to these rules.
(f ) The application for leave shall be recommended for sanction with definite proposals for the arrangements of Sewa Puja etc. during the leave period.
(g) No leave shall ordinarily be availed unless it is sanctioned by the Competent Authority
(h) Whenever duty is interrupted all claims to leave earned is forfeited Absence on leave though not counted on duty is not treated as an interruption.

37. Casual Leave :

  1. Causal leave will be given to staff other than hereditary (Osrawalas) for 10 days in the calendar year (1st January to 31st December on local arrangements.
  2. The member of the staff on causal leave shall not be treated as absent from duty and his salary and allowance will not be intermitted. The pattal prasad of the member on casual leave will be given to the worker or substitute during the leave period. It is an unrecognised leave and its record will be kept in the attendance register by the sanctioning officer in his Office or in the temple concerned.

38. Sanctioning authority: - all leave shall be sanctioned by the Assistant Commissioner, Devasthan concerned who shall maintain the leave account of the staff. In case of emergency and urgency the Inspector, Devasthan shall allow the member of the staff to proceed on leave subject to sanction by the Assistant Commissioner.

39. Interruption- The duty of the staff shall be treated as interrupted-

    1. If any member of the staff over stays his leave.
    2. If he is absent without leave.
    3. If he is discharged from service on the grounds other than abolition of the posts although re-employed after some time
    4. If he is under suspension as a penalty for misconduct at the discretion of the authority granting leave.

By order of the Governor,
Secretary to the Government.

No. F1(E)(39)Rev\A\ JAIPUR, dated 2nd Nov.,1970


The governor has been pleased to make the following amendments to the service rules relating to the staff of self supporting (funds) court of wards Temples under the control and superintendence of Devasthan Department, Rajasthan.

  1. In Rule 30 of the said Rules following may be substituted –
    T.A. will be admissible according to the following scales –

Daily allowance

For ordinary Localities For expensive localities Delhi, Simla, Madras, Srinagar, Mt. Abu, Bombay and Culcutta

IVth Class Rs. 2.00 Rs. 2.00

  1. After rule 22 of chapter III and rule 22A as following 22 (a) the staff mentioned in rule 7 to 16 is liable to be suspended in case of misconduct, embezzlement etc, and will governed according to classification control & Appeal........ Rules of the Rajasthan Government.

Secretary to the government

No. F1 (e) (39)REV\57 Dated : 30.08.1978


The governor has been pleased to make the following amendment in the service rules relating to the staff of self supporting (funds) court of wards Temples under the control and superintendence of Devasthan Department, Rajasthan.

In Rule 30 of the said Rules following may be substituted in the column Daily allowance: –

Daily allowance

Ist class Rs. 7/- Per day.
IInd Class Rs. 7/- per day.
IIIrd class drawing pay Rs. 5.50/- Per day
Rs. 125/- and above (Admissible to these drawing pay upto 300/- p.m.)
III-class (drawing less Rs. 4.00/- per day
Than 125/- p.m.
IV class Rs. 4.00/- per day.

By order
Deputy Secretary to government

राजस्थान सरकार
देवस्थान वक्फ एवं सैनिक कल्याण विभाग

क्रमांक :- प. 4(14) देव/92 जयपुर, दिनांक :- 5.2.93

वि :- निधि सेवा नियमों मे संशोधन बाबत ।
सन्दर्भ :- आपका पत्रांक एफ 12(55) देव/85/ 7348 दिनांक 21.5.92


उपरोक्त विषयान्तर्गत निर्देशानुसार लेख है कि देवस्थान विभाग में कार्यरत निधि/आत्म निर्भर मंदिर कर्मचारियो के राजकीय यात्रा के दौरान विश्राम भत्ते की नवीन दरें निम्नानुसार दिये जाने की प्रशासनिक एवं वित्तीय स्वीकृति प्रदान की जाती है ।




विश्राम भत्ते की देय दरें



1900 से 2800




1400 से 1900




1100 से 1400




1100 से नीचे


उक्त आदेश तुरन्त प्रभाव से लागू माना जावेगा ।

शासन उप सच

(निधि सेवा नियम, 1959 के नियम 30 का संशोधन)

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