Devasthan Department, Rajasthan

Visitor's No :

राजस्थान धार्मिक भवन व स्थल अधिनियम- 1957
Rajasthan Religious Buildings And Places Rules, 1957

Published vide Notification No. F.1 (750)kar/50/D.2640/Revenue B/56 dated 30-1-1957 published in the Rajasthan Gazette Part 4-C, Dated 21-2-1957.


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 14 of the Rajasthan Religious Buildings and Places Act, 1954 (Act No. XVIII of 1954), the Government of Rajasthan makes the following rules, namely: -


1. Short title, extent and commencement. - (a) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Religious Buildings and Places Rules, 1957.
(b) They shall extend to the Pre-reorganisation State of Rajasthan.
(c) They shall come into force upon their publication in the Rajasthan Gazette.

2. Definitions. - in these rules the expression "Section" means a section of the Rajasthan Religious Buildings and Places Act, 1954 and the expression 'Form' means the forms annexed to these rules.


3. Forms of applications. - (i) The application to the Collector under Clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 5 shall be in Form 1. (ii) The application to the Collector under sub-section (1) of section 6 shall be in Form 2.

4. Inquiry by the Collector. - On the presentation of an application under section 5 or section 6, the Collector may consult the Devasthan Department and make enquiries from the local Police Officer or Local Authority or the neighbours of the place as the case may be, and if necessary, may inspect the site.

5. Provisions for construction and maintenance of new buildings. - While granting permission for the construction of a new religious building, the Collector shall satisfy himself that sufficient funds are available for construction and that stable income is guaranteed for maintenance and timely repairs thereof.

6. Appeals. - (1) An appeal under sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 8 shall be in the form of a memorandum signed by the appellant or his pleader.
N.B. - The office of the Divisional Commissioner was abolished by the Rajasthan Divisional Commissioners (Office Abolition) Act, 1962 (Rajasthan Act No. 8 of 1962). The parent Act where under these Rules have been framed was amended by clause (b) of section 4 of the Rajasthan Divisional commissioners (Office Abolition) Act, 1962, read with item 8 of the Schedule annexed thereto. These Rules shall as from the 16th day of November, 1961 be deemed to have been amended accordingly (vide clause (b) of section 4 of the said Act.)
(2) The appellate authority on presentation of an appeal shall call for the record of the case and after giving an opportunity for hearing to the parties concerned, shall pass such orders as it deems fit and send a certified copy of the order together with the record of the case to the Collector or Commissioner as the case may be.

Form I

(Vide rule 3)

The Collector,

The undersigned request(s) .......... permission to use the 1 ........ public place temporarily from 2 ........... To .......... for the Religious purpose of .......... 3. He has/they have obtained permission for the above from the Local Authority/Officer 4 ....... ....they have ....... having jurisdiction which is enclosed herewith.

The undersigned further bind himself/themselves to restore the above Public Place in its original condition at his/their ......... own expenses.

Full Address............................


Order of the Collector.................................... District ..................5 is /are granted permission to use/is /are refused permission ..... 6. Public place From the religious purpose of 8. subject to the conditions (if any) given below.
9. ...................



Copy to Name of the applicant/applicants;
Copy to Police Officer.
Copy to the Local Authority for information.

Signature ..............

Notes.-(1) Mention here the name of the place required temporarily for religious purpose
(2) mention the days/hours from which and to which the said place is required or the day for which it is required.
(3) Describe the nature of Religious purpose for which it is required viz. worship .................. instructions, meeting or Kirtan Bhajan etc. (as the case may be).
(4) Mention the name of the Local Authority, if any from which the permission to use the above public place has been previously obtained viz.-
[X X] Municipal Board/ [X X] Village Panchayat as the case may be.
(5) Name of the person or body to whom permission is granted or refused.
(6) Mention the name of the Public Place applied for.
(7) Mention the days or hours from which to which/the day for which the permission is granted.
(8) Specify the Religious purpose for which permission has been granted.
(9) Put the conditions, if any, under which the permission is granted, otherwise cross it.
N.B.- This permission will be valid only for three months from the date of the above order/the day next after the date ------- from which the act is permitted to be performed.

Form 2

(Vide rule 3)

The Collector,

The undersigned request/requests permission to construct (a).........
1. a public Religious request Building or (b) convert the private/public building/place...........2. into a public Religious Building and encloses/enclose herewith a enclose site plan of the building and the construction/Addition and Alterations proposed are as follows:-
He has/They have obtained permission of the above construction/Addition and Alterations from the Local Authority/Officer having jurisdiction


Full Address............

Order of the Collector ......... District........4. is/are granted/is/are refused Permission to construct a religious building 5. refused or convert the private 'public building/place 6. ........... into a religious building............7. with alterations and additions on conditions (if any) specified below.-



Copy to the applicant/applicants
Copy to the Local Authority.
for information.


Notes- (1) Mention the name of the Public Religious Building to be constructed.
(2) Mention the name of Private or Public Building or place to be converted into Religious Building.
(3) Name of the Local Authority of Office from whom the permission is obtained.
(4) Full name of the applicant/applicants.
(5) Name the Public Religious Building permitted to be constructed.
(6) Name the Private or Public Building to be converted.
(7) Name of the Building proposed to be converted.
(8) Specify any additions or alterations and conditions if any imposed.
N.B.- This permission shall endure for a period of one year only with which the act permitted to be done should be commenced.

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Nodal Officer:- Sh. Sunil Mattad, Dy. Commissioner
Devasthan Department, Udaipur , E-Mail :-
Telephone No.: 0294-2524813 (Office), Mobile No.: - 8696917101

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